Monthly Archives: November 2015

Anti-bullying week


Say no to bullying!

This week in Year 4, we have been looking at the impact of bullying. We have been thinking carefully about how bullying can affect the bullies as well as the victims. The children of Year 4 have demonstrated a high level of maturity and sensitivity around the topic, clearly reflecting the empathy shown by children at Hill West Primary School.

Below are some of the posters that Year 4 have been creating to spread the messageĀ and help end bullying!

Roman Wroxeter City

We have had a fantastic day learning about the Romans at Wroxeter city in Shrewsbury.

After a coach ride, comprising of 50 minutes of Christingle songs, we finally arrived at our destination. We were greeted by a real (not so real) Roman lady, who showed us around her old city. We were treated like slaves, marched for our lunch and experienced a real Roman toilet. It is safe to say that we will remember today for a long time to come!